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Libby Heaney, the last judgement.Libby Heaney, the last judgement.
Libby Heaney, the last judgementLibby Heaney, the last judgement
Libby Heaney, the last judgementLibby Heaney, the last judgement
Libby Heaney, the last judgementLibby Heaney, the last judgement
Libby Heaney, the last judgementLibby Heaney, the last judgement
Libby Heaney, the last judgementLibby Heaney, the last judgement

Installation: Science Gallery, Dublin, 2021. Courtesy of Science Gallery Dublin. 

The Last Judgement2021, graphite and coloured pencil on archival paper, octaptych (8 drawings of 36 x 26cm).